All Models available as Soaking Baths, Air baths or Jetted Whirlpool Baths
Foam Insulation standard and Heaters are optional for Jetted or Air Baths
60 gal. use, 80 gal. max.
60 gal. use, 80 gal. max.
60 gal. use, 80 gal. max.
70 gal. use, 90 gal. max.
All Models available as air tubs,
jetted tubs, or jetted air combos
for max. therapy.
Click here for our air jet adavantage;
Note; back point to center of front is 61 "
note; back point to front is 58 "
note; back point to center of front is 60"
note; back point to center of front is 60 "
Typical Model 500 Corner Tub
Installation. This install has rock
Board on the two 54 " sides of tub.
Model 504hr & 504 HRD
same tub